Monday, September 30, 2019

Effects of Obesity in the United States Navy

When Americans hear the words United States Sailor what image comes to their minds? Do they see the all American boy standing tall, wearing his dress blues uniform with his white hat tilted to the side? Does he look like the sailor on the Cracker Jack box? That used to be the image of the U. S. Sailor back when the Greatest Generation was fighting during World War II. Now, all a person has to do is go online and search U. S. Navy Sailor in the search engine and they will find unlimited pictures and videos of sailors doing every day things as well as supporting our interests around the world. With the invention of the World Wide Web, sailors are not only asked to do their jobs at sea but also be impeccable ambassadors of the American people on shore. Because of this important part of being a service member, it is imperative that today’s sailor resemble that all American boy or girl. While sailors are adults and must take responsibility for their own actions, lack of training and attention to dietary health has contributed to many sailors discharge from service due to being out of Navy regulated physical standards. The U. S. Navy celebrated its 235th birthday on October 13th 2010, but the way sailors are being officially evaluated physically is only about 35 years old. Operational Navy Instruction, (OPNAVINST) 6110. 1 was implemented on June 16, 1976 from a directive given by the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO). The stated purpose of this instruction was â€Å"To implement a physical fitness program for Navy personnel, regular and reserve, that will meet the need for physical stamina and strength necessary for combat effectiveness and mobilization as directed by Secretary Of The Navy Instruction (SECNAVINST) 6100. † (Hodgdon, 1999). In the 6110. 1, the term obesity was defined as â€Å"excessive accumulation of fat in the body manifested by poor muscle tone, flabbiness and folds, bulk out of proportion to body build, dyspnea (difficult or labored breathing), and fatigue upon mild exertion, all of which detracts from military appearance† (Hodgdon, 1999). The fitness program that was establis hed from this instruction was nothing more than a modified version of an aerobics program developed by a Dr. Ken Cooper. This aerobics program was a set of warm up exercises and basic calisthenics that were used based on a points system. This first physical fitness instruction did not include a physical fitness test. On July 17, 1980, the Navy issued an updated instruction for physical fitness. This instruction was OPNAVINST 6110. 1A which was virtually identical to the original 6110. 1 with the exception of adding a fitness test. This test was implemented to set certain standards that all sailors would have to adhere to as a way for the Navy to track the physical readiness of its sailors. For example, a male age 17-25 had to perform a minimum of 30 sit-ups in two minutes; 20 push-ups; four pull-ups (optional); complete a 1. 5 mile run/walk in 16:30 (OPNAVINST 6110. 1A, 1980). On June 29, 1981 Department of Defense (DoD) Directive 1308. 1 was implemented. The biggest difference of this directive was that the Navy implemented a weight control program to add to its physical fitness program. As the Navy started to fine tune its physical testing of its sailors, the chain of command added and subtracted those elements that they believed define a model sailor. On August 7, 1986 OPNAVISNT 6110. 1C was issued navy wide (Hodgdon, 1999). There were several major changes to the 6110. 1. One of the more severe changes was that all Navy personnel were required to take the Physical Readiness Test (PRT) twice a year. Another change was a health risk screening that needed to be done before a sailor was allowed to participate in the PRT. Yet another change was that the body fat assessment was to be separated from the PRT and was to be conducted as an individual assessment. Under this instruction a new technique and new standards for measuring body fat was established. One of the most important changes that came from this instruction was that new consequences for failing the body fat were established. Under the new standard body fat assessment, if a sailor was diagnosed as obese they were not allowed to participate in the PRT until cleared by the medical staff. If the sailor was diagnosed as obese consecutively in a 16 month period they were to be screened for separation from active duty. It is because of these changes in how the Navy Chain of Command viewed its sailors, that the sailor themselves had to re-evaluate how they handled their careers. Before the implementation of the 6110. series instructions, all a sailor had to do to be viewed as outstanding was make sure that they were the subject matter experts in their field. This meant reporting for duty early, studying all of the rate training manuals, and following the orders of their superiors. The only physical standard that a sailor had to maintain was be able to complete their duties in an exemplary manner and be able to get through a hatch on a ship to fight a fire if need be. They were not considered a bad sailor, or not good at their job, simply because they filled out their uniform a little bit more than the guy standing next to them. When it was time to take their rate advancement exam they did not evaluate what that sailor looked like in their uniform, the chain of command just wanted to make sure that the sailor was knowledgeable about his/her job. These days, to be eligible for advancement you not only need to know your job better than the other sailor, you also need to look better than him too. Before the implementation of these new guidelines, a sailor’s evaluation marks were issued based on job performance. With the changes in the physical fitness instruction come changes in the evaluation process as well. Now if you fail a Physical Fitness Assessment (PFA), it has to be marked and documented on your annual evaluation. Because of the ever changing rules and regulations of the physical fitness standards of the Navy, the Department of the Navy (DON) is now implementing more formal training geared toward nutrition and weight control. With this training, sailors are being taught that there are several benefits to a balanced diet. They are being trained that a healthy diet does not just improve their physical health but it also contributes to their mental health. Sailors now have the tools they need to start and maintain these healthy eating habits. The Navy Nutrition and Weight Control Self-Study Guide is the Navy’s principal tool that enables service members to improve their health and fitness (Cox, 1996). This guide is being issued to all personnel who are enrolled in the Fitness Enhancement Program (FEP). This program is a mandatory program for those sailors who fail any portion of a PFA. This program is also open to any sailor who wants to learn how to take care of their bodies in a healthy way. With this new mindset of training sailors to take care of their bodies for health reasons and not just to look like the sailor on the Cracker Jacks box, more sailors are taking this knowledge with them after they transition from military life to civilian life. There is a new standard now for being a sailor. In the past it was all about going out to the bars with your shipmates and having a good time. With the current tempo of operations, a sailor must be ready physically, as well as mentally, to answer America’s call wherever they are needed. The Navy is no longer turning a blind eye to sailors being out of physical standards. If sailors cannot balance a healthy lifestyle as well as train for their jobs, they may be the ones standing on the pier waving good bye to their ex-shipmates. References Chief of Naval Operations (OP-09) (1908). Physical Fitness. Office of the Chief of Naval Operations Instruction 6110. 1A. Washington, DC: Office of the Chief of Naval Operations. 17 July. Cox, L. (1996). NAVY Nutrition and Weight Control Self-Study Guide. Washington, DC: United States Navy. Hodgdon, Ph. D. , J. A. (1999, August 18). A History of the U. S. Navy Physical Readiness Program from 1976 to 1999. Human Performance Department Naval Health Research Center.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Zach Galifianakis

I chose Zach Galifianakis because he is my favorite actor, why? Dear reader that’s what you are about to know. I think he is exstremely funny and when he acts in movies or tv shows he acts like a child, that’s why I like him, he reminds me of me. He has a magnificent humour and a nice looking curly hair. He is called Zach but his real name is Zacharius Knight Galifianakis. He was born in Wilkesboro, North Carolina in 1969 October the first. He had a mother named Mary Franecs who ran a community center for arts, and a father named Harry Galifianakis who was a heating oil vendor. He had two siblings a younger sister named Merrit and a older brother Greg. Zach went to college, but he failed class with by one point and moved to New York. He started his career in the back of a hamburger joint in Times Square as a comedian. But his career in television began i 1996 when he played the recurring role of a stoner named Bobby in the short lived sitcom Boston Common. He had his own comedy show called Comedy Central Presents that first came out in September 2001. He acted some small roles like in the films Corky Romano, Below, Bubble Boy, Heartbreakers, Into the Wild, Super High Me, Little Fish Strange Pond, and Largo. He is most known for playing in the â€Å"Hangover† movies as Alan an annoying brother, â€Å"Due Date† as Ethan an annoying and stupid stalker and â€Å"It’s a kind of a funny story† as Bobby and depressed old man. Today he is forty years old and famous actor that has his future in front of him. First I thought he was 20-30 years old because of how he acts and his looks. It’s like he is always the same character in movies. I have much faith in him and I hope he becomes even more famous and better in the future.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Practical 6-Liquid preparations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Practical 6-Liquid preparations - Essay Example Asphyxiating effects noted. Carcinogenic, Mutagenic, Teratogenic and Developmental toxicity not identified. (7) Follow written procedure as laid down by EPA and Material safety sheet. Proper usage of splash goggles, lab coat and gloves (PPE) and work in the fume cupboard when dealing with the chemicals. Correct wearing of Self containing breathing apparatus. Eye contact: In case of eye contact with irritant, harmful or corrosive chemicals eye should be rinsed with water for at least 15 minutes or Dipoterine (found at the first aid point . Diphoterine wash is available for treating exposure of skin or eyes to hazardous chemicals), make sure to carefully part the upper and lower eyelids without rubbing the eyes. Staff will be immediately consulted and medical aid will be followed consulting a physician. Skin contact: In case of skin contact with chemicals, the areas of contact will be carefully washed with water and soap for at least 15 minutes. If necessary cloths and shoes will be removed and destroyed. A physician will be consulted for further advice and treatments. Ingestion/Inhalation:Â  In case of ingestion or inhalation best thing to consult a physician for further advice. If chemicals are swallowed, mouth should be rinsed with water without inducing vomit. If vomiting occurs naturally, make the victim lean forward. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious

Friday, September 27, 2019

The Building of a Hamiltonian America Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Building of a Hamiltonian America - Essay Example Hamilton viewed the country as as an integrated system that needed a strong Federal government and expansive national programs. By 1820, America was still largely rural and had an agricultural based economy. However, 1820 also ushered in the vision of Hamilton's America due to the country's common interests, the industrial revolution, and the close-knit nature of the New America. There was general agreement that using state governments to grant corporate charters was a benefit to the economy and the people. Hamilton had worked for a national banking system since the late 18th century and in 1816 President Madison signed a bill creating the Second National Bank (Nash et al. 261,262, Henretta, Brody and Dumenil 250,251). This was a common interest that was shared by the people in an effort to develop a common form of commerce. The War of 1812 also served to create a common goal across the country. At this point, people were just beginning to view America as a nation. The war had been viewed as a national problem and initiated a surge of postwar nationalism that was followed by a period of "national unification and economic development" (Nash et al 320). The era of national pride and the banking system were two common interests that set the stage for further development. The national banking system and Hamilton's ideas on debt financing had come to be an important part of the industrial revolution. By 1820, Jefferson's view of rural America was beginning to change. There was greater trade and greater productivity. Mechanization had begun to stimulate the economy. Between 1790 and 1820, the average income for Americans rose by 30% (Henretta, Brody, and Dumenil 293). Agriculture was mechanizing and changing the face of the rural South. Though there was still a philosophical split between the North and South, the feelings of nationalism and a strong federal presence were being felt throughout America that was being fueled by the industrial revolution. The industrial revolution and the complexities of a national banking system required that there be close association between the people of the country. This was made possible by improvements in transportation and communication. The national investment in roads had cut travel times between major cities in the East by half by the early 1800s. By 1818, the trip from Cumberland Maryland to Wheeling West Virginia on the Ohio River had been reduced from 8 to 3 days (Nash et al. 321). In addition steamboats were traveling the Mississippi and Ohio taking cargo and passengers around the country. This intermingling of trade and ideas further strengthened Hamilton's picture of America. The people were also brought together by the proliferation of the printed word. In the 1790s fewer than 100 newspapers were published, but this number ballooned to over 1000 by 1830 (Nash et al. 322). The ability to mix trade, thoughts, ideas, and the printed word formed the basis of a strong federal union. In conclusion, both Jefferson and Hamilton have formed today's America. Americans treasure their independence and individual freedom as espoused by Jefferson. American's are also dependent on the strong federal system that promotes unity and cooperation among the states. By 1820 and the establishment of the Second National Bank, America was beginning to look like Hamilton's vision. The nationalistic spirit

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The role of the spectator Thesis Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

The role of the spectator - Thesis Proposal Example Apparently, the passive spectator is a quite new state of art experience, but however has become quite widespread that it is the status quo for the majority of art performances in the West. The passive spectator actually only emerge in the nineteenth century, as art performances initiated its separation into entertainment and artistic forms. Professionals and scholars such as Wagner, with he and Henry Irving with their murky theater, and his ‘mystic chasm’, began several of the numerous initiatives in the nineteenth century that concretely detached the spectator from the performance and dampened ‘spectatorial acts of ownership or displeasure’, or even loud agreement. This projection of the passive spectator has become quite recognized that in a 1991 article in New York Times on the ill behaviors of theatre spectators, the journalist Alex Witchel did not include the rationale underlying his request for courteousness or admit that genuinely good theatre usually moves or stirs in its audiences just the contrary of the passive silence he wanted. This courteous, overwhelmed response has become the standard. However, we are at a decisive period in performance studies in which we have to perceive contemporary performance beyond the very same borders from which it is breaking out. This study argues that it is wholly impossible to observe and study contemporary performance while remaining grounded on the perspective as the traditional audience. Not merely do we have to keep on creating and experimenting new performance tactics, but we also have to move our focus to ‘response strategies’, to directly reconstruct the role of the spectator as a contemporary audience. I request the contemporary audience to become engaged in a new form of agreement with the creators of new performance. Through this study, I request this contemporary audience for several things: to take

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

How Safe IS The Biodiesel for Air Transportation Essay

How Safe IS The Biodiesel for Air Transportation - Essay Example This paper will evaluate the safety of using biodiesel in air transportation. Significance of Air Transportation Critics have challenged the probability of Air transport being the best mode of transport despite the many advantages attributed to it. Irrespective of this, this form of transport is of great significance because it has offered the globe a fast and reliable connectivity. The industry has introduced realms of possibilities. Traversing continents takes a few days or hours depending on the choice of flight connectivity. Air transport is very crucial for global trade especially trade surrounding perishable goods. Tourism is an additional sector that is only a possibility because of air transport. Tourism is an economic stronghold in many nations and contributes immensely to economic growth. Air transportation makes it is simpler for people to import and export culture. In the past, this critical sector has relied on the use of petroleum diesel for its engines. Despite the num erous technological changes that surround the aviation industry, the industry has persisted in its dependence on fossil fuels. However, the recent environmental concerns about the emission of greenhouse gases by fossil fuels, and the resulting consequences have compelled experts to embark on the search for reliable and cleaner sources that promise both economical and environmental sustainability (Pandey 34). Fossil fuels have threatened the environment with the uncontrollable emission of greenhouse gases and hydrocarbons into the environment initiating and enhancing global warming. The search for alternative energy sources has identified biodiesel as a reliable energy source. More importantly, future prospects indicate that biodiesel will be a reliable source to drive the aviation industry. Analysis of the potential benefits of biodiesel presents a promising future. Compared to fossil fuels, biodiesel releases zero percent of sulfates while fossil fuels release a high percentage of these (Metz 30). Moreover, with biodiesel, the aviation industry has the assurance of 78 percent less carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Such immense reduction of carbon dioxide has been the central focus of many researchers in the recent past. Intensive research has revealed the different cycles of fossil use and biodiesel use. In the fossil use case, each step involves the release of carbon monoxide into the atmosphere (Pandey 56). However, the cycle does exhibit any possibility of recycling in the atmosphere. On the contrary, fossil fuels bring a new supply of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere from the ground. On the other hand, biodiesel use exhibits a possibility of recycling. Sources of biodiesel include feedstock from oils, plants, and algae. Plants utilize carbon dioxide that is available in the atmosphere for the manufacture of carbohydrates that are very crucial for metabolism. Extraction of biodiesel from plant feedstock can produce either first generation of second gener ation biodiesel. Although the processing and use of the biodiesel in aviation releases carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, it does not destruct the carbon dioxide cycle because the amount released becomes critical for the growth of more plants (Ellman 120). Replacing petroleum diesel used in the aviation industry with biodiesel will serve to eliminate the additional release of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere from fossil fuels. This will reduce the 78 percent of carbon dioxide

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Taxation, Pensions, and the Issues Associated the Social Security Research Paper

Taxation, Pensions, and the Issues Associated the Social Security Trust Fund - Research Paper Example The fact of the matter is that the Social Security Trust Fund is comprised of two separate funds. The first of these is of course the OASI Trust Fund (Old Age and Survivors Insurance Fund); whereas the second is that of the DI Fund (Disability Fund) (Shelton, 2008). Whereas the first fund is the one that is of course the largest and is most referenced within the media and concerns over budgeting etc, the second one is lesser known and is primarily responsible for providing payments to those individuals who had been working at one point but due to injury or illness are no longer capable of performing work. Combined, both programs owe the American people approximately 2.93 trillion dollars as of the end of 2011 (Papps, 2012). The number in and of itself is but a snapshot of current obligations and as such cannot be viewed as a means of seeking to understand the level to which the program will be able to handle changes in economics or the retirement of subsequent generations. The unfortunate fact of the situation is that the social security program itself is suffering from what many have called an eventual and sustained death. Due to the fact that the government has mismanaged the situation with Social Security for such a longer period of time, short-sightedly borrowing from it at every available instance, the level to which the program can sustain itself and continue to cover the liabilities that it necessarily engenders is not projected to take place long after the year 2030 (Quirk, 2003).

Monday, September 23, 2019

Is state government an effective form of government Essay

Is state government an effective form of government - Essay Example This is a step forward in the process of decentralization out of federal power and of achieving efficiency by the state governments. Dr. Weiher stated that there are four general purposes of a written Constitution: "(1) Create a Form of Government; (2) Limit Governmental Power; (3) Define Who is a Citizen; and (4) Identify society's central values" (Weiher, 2002). This last point has to be emphasized. The values of any given society change frequently from territory to territory. People from different states have very different sets of values and a written Constitution is a reflection of the diversity of values among citizens of different states. For example, people from Utah have in common their unique religious beliefs. The same can be said of other people from other states. The federal government provides the unity within the diversity, and each state is a symbolic pluralistic unit in the spectrum of all the states bound together under the U.S. Constitution. The Wikipedia points out that "the most obvious advantage of a codified constitution is the coherent and easily understood body of rules. A codified constitution at the least is simple to read, being a single document.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Netflix’s Business Model and Strategy Essay Example for Free

Netflix’s Business Model and Strategy Essay Netflix is the largest subscription service for sending DVD’s by mail and streaming movies and TV episodes over the internet. Netflix’s revenues grew from $500 million in 2004 to $519.8 million in 2010. Company’s net income increased from $21.6 million in 2004 to $141-156 million in 2010. It attracted 1.6 million subscribers in 2004 and had to 15 million subscribers by 2010. Reed Hastings founder and CEO of Netflix have pushed the company to outcompete its movie rental competitors by building the world’s best internet movie service. Netflix is the world largest online entertainment subscription service and revolutionized the way that people rent movies. Netflix has outcompete its rivals on the basis of differentiation features, with their higher quality, wider product selection, added performance and services, and has superior technology. Netflix has a large selection of DVDs to choose from. It maintains relationships with entertainment providers to expand the title selection. Movies are prescreened for customers based on peer reviews. This allows Netflix to increase their inventory with movies chosen by viewers. There are no late fees. Netflix technology is superior because movies and TV episodes can be streamed directly onto nearly any device in a matter of seconds. Netflix business model and strategy can be analyzed with the 5 competitive forces in the movie rental marketplace: 1-substitute, 2- buyers, 3- suppliers, 4- potential for new entrants, 5- rivalry Substitute-It does not matter who sells the movie or the TV episode at the end the end user is getting the same product whether he got it from Walmart or Blockbuster. Substitute for Netflix and a potential threat is pirating movie files from the internet and illegal. This is a substitute that is inexpensive or free copy of the file. Buyers- Have the power to select where they are going to get movies or TV episode. They are going to look provides the best price and best quality. Buyers are not loyal and can get this product from other vendors. Competitors compare industry prices and quality. They will reduce cost in order to attract the buyer. Suppliers-Such are Hollywood are likely to increase cost if the industry profits increase. Suppliers have the capability to make movies and TV episodes harder to get by limiting license agreements. In order for suppliers to maximize their revenues they sell large number of movies and TV episodes the outcome results in competition and does not allow supplier to have much power on the product. Potential for new entrants- Blockbuster, and Netflix are the dominant retailers in the market it is very difficult for new entrants to succeed. Rivalry- Consumers have multiple sellers they can buy or rent movies and/or TV episodes. Main competitors are online subscription services internet movies and TV episode provider, kiosk services, and DVD rental outlets. From SWOT analysis we found the Strengths as followed, by operation on line is very flexible and very low cost, it has high customer satisfaction levels, and strong knowledge base and brand identity. Weakness are the industry, it is constantly changing at a fast speed, it is supplier dependent, postage is a variable cost (increases), customers need to have internet access and or DVD players. Opportunities are: It can expand globally to international markets because its internet access, new technology. Threats: If it’s not able to adapt or keep up with technology, rivals such as or Blockbuster have capital to compete against Netflix. There are some issues Netflix is facing Netflix needs to watch out for growing competitors with deep pockets and need to keep up with the fast growing changes with technology. It is recommended that Netflix increases its customer base (subscribers). This income will offset the ongoing costs. Netflix should move away from DVD rental, it creates a large percentage of its operating cost. Netflix should find out why people are still ordering DVD’s Netflix should educate customers with their streaming and downloading and focus on encouraging customers to stay with the service. Blockbuster advantage over Netflix is that they are able to release new released titles. Netflix needs to negotiate with entertainment providers to get new releases earlier than the competitors. Finally it is suggested that if Netflix is able to get new releases earlier they should pass a cost for the newest release (separately from subscription download monthly fee).

Saturday, September 21, 2019

National Concern †North Korea Essay Example for Free

National Concern – North Korea Essay ‘What do you think is the most important international concern right now? ’ Out of curiosity, I conducted a small survey and asked that very question to people on the streets. As I expected, most of them revealed it was the conflicts in North Korea. There are many ways to describe North Korea. It is a country under a dictator leadership, a country with a very serious poverty problem, and a country that recently became notorious with its defense for nuclear weapons. However, I would like to describe the country as a child – a poor, desolate, and lonely child. It is true that many people are scared of North Korea and the activities it is involved with, such as nuclear testing. However, I am more worried than afraid about the country. As I mentioned above, I think North Korea is like a child a child that needs a guardian to lead it back onto the right path. And because such child was left alone since the Korean War and was forced to grow up by itself, it now wants attention from other countries. Many politicians are offering solutions for North Korea and for its actions. Many are suggesting for war since North Korea is disrespectful and very egoistic. Others want peace, without any bloodshed. I personally agree with the peaceful method because I know we can solve this problem by conversation. And I do not want to fight against the land my family came from. I think the unification of North and South Korea would help the country to develop and mature itself. I know it will take time to equalize the country both, politically and economically. I also do not expect another miracle to happen like Germany. But if such unification is possible, then the world would have succeeded in achieving more world peace. Another solution is to have a world conference to understand each other better, rather than to just tell each other what they want and what they do not. I know how sensitive all countries are these days, with conflicts happening daily and with the world getting increasingly complicated and crowded. However, if the countries could step back from their own problems and look into the heart of the mater of global issues for a minute, they would be able to understand each other better and help solve the North Korea’s problem with a willingness to see world peace. If both methods do not happen in the next 5 years which is highly possible I am ready to join the United Nations to help struggle the peace for Korea. I am a person who thinks that life is too short and that I want to try and experience as much as I can to reach my goals. Thus, if politicians do not make any actions, I will step in to achieve my ultimate life’s goal: Korean Peace. I will join the United Nations, the organization that has helped to bring in peace for many countries. I am a firm believer that endless endeavor can bring in success. Many people will probably find my solutions childish and idealistic. After all, the world is a far more complex place than a teenager may think. However, one thing I know for sure: my passion for world peace is stronger than most people. And if the passion remains as I mature mentally and intellectually over the next few years, I am certain that I will make a difference for both, North Korea and the world. And for that embodied child of Korea, it will some day grow up a unified, matured and peaceful person like how I always dream it would be. Nothing is impossible without hope, faith and determination.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Effective Hand Washing Program Nursing Essay

Effective Hand Washing Program Nursing Essay Acute respiratory disease and intestinal tract infections are the primary causes of morbidity and mortality among young children (Vivas et al., 2008). Annually, more than 3-5 million children aged less than 5 years pass away from diarrhoea and acute lower respiratory-tract infection (WHO, 2005 cited in Luby et al., 2005). Moreover, WHO (2010) estimated that diarrhoea and respiratory infection are responsible for 35% of child deaths. The huge majority of child mortality occurs among the world poorest populations in low and middle-income countries. Vivas et al. (2008) reported that 62% and 31% of all deaths in Africa and Southeast Asia, respectively, are caused by infectious disease. In Indonesia, the largest cause of infant mortality and children less than five years mortality are diarrhoea and pneumonia (31.4 %, 23.8% and 25.2%, 15.5 %) (Ministry of Health of Republic of Indonesia, 2007). According to the results of basic health research (2007) by MoH of Indonesia, 26% cause of death in the countryside in the age group 5-14 years are diarrhoea and pneumonia. This indicates there must be a comprehensive treatment for age groups that are vulnerable to infectious diseases can be protected. Although everyone is susceptible to the transmission of disease, but children as future generations are one group that is at biggest risk (Hezel, Bartlett, Hileman, Dillon, Cessna, 2000 cited in Vessey, Sherwood, Warner, Clark, 2007). Children who are at school age are very vulnerable because infectious diseases most affect younger children (Vivas et al., 2008). At this age they will blend with the environment outside their home that does not allow parents to keep their attention. Behaviours of children such as do not want to lose time to play or toilet facilities are smelly and dirty increase the risk for infection. With their vulnerability, children will be very easily affected by diseases caused by infection. A previous study by Luby et al. (2005) reported that infectious diseases are common among school-age children are diarrhoea, acute lower respiratory infection and impetigo. As a result of this disease children of school age are not able to follow the lessons in school due to absences. Absenteeism is a chief problem among school-aged children, with approximately 75% of all school absences endorsed to illness. Illness-related absences have been shown to escort to both negative educational and economic outcomes (Lau et al., 2010). Moreover, community-acquired infections are a major reason for absenteeism among elementary school students mentioned by Dyer, Shinder, Shinder, 2000; Hammond, Ali, Fendler, Dolan, Donovan, 2000; McGuckin, Ali, 2002 cited in Vessey et al., 2007). Absenteeism due to infectious diseases will usually increase during the winter (Adams, Hendershot, Marano, 1999 cited in Vessey et al., 2007). Moreover, Afroza (2007) argued that washing hands with soap right to r educe the risk of diarrhoea, avian influenza, pneumonia and other diseases. Base on the stages of development according to Erikson (1968), school-age children referred to as the apprenticeship of live. This stage is the period of learning and mastering more basic skills models (Erikson, 1968) so it is appropriate to introduce to them about how to avoid infectious diseases. Children are more interested to learning and are very possible to adopt healthy behaviours at a younger age. Due to school children is the symbolism of the unification of all components of the family and society (Yuhanna, 2010), they can also being agents of adjust by spreading what they have learned in school to their family and community members (Vivas et al., 2008). From the above description then hand washing program in school-age children are very precise and strategic. If hand washing is taught from the beginning then certainly hand washing will become a habit until the end of their lives. Hand washing is very important technique was introduced to the school-age children. To get the best health benefit out of it, it is very important to consider the proper ways of washing hands with soap and running water (if possible). Several previous studies conducted in Indonesia found that although most of the people know about the importance of washing hands with soap but very few people (5%) know how to do it properly (Afroza, 2007). Hand washing with soap has been ranked the most cost-effective intervention for control of disease in the worldwide (Judah et al., 2009). A study conducted by Lau et al. (2010) found that hand washing interventions have been significantly reduce illness-related absences in elementary school students and significantly reduce a subset of illness-related absences (i.e. gastrointestinal illnesses). Hand washing is very effective programs conducted in schools. As a community, the school consists of various elements in them such as teachers, parents, students and the community around the school. Certainly the role of the other party is very important and needed. Then to involve other parties such as teachers, parents, community or society, strategic activities that possible to be implemented are community empowerment and health promotion (MoH of Indonesia, 2010). Furthermore, UNICEF (2006) stated that in order to create effective relationships need to do the communication and collaboration between schools, families and community. The affiliation of positive attitudes toward hand washing and the programs effectiveness in imparting knowledge helped to create a sustained social norm of hand washing among many children in disparate locations (Rosen, Zucker, Brody, Engelhard, Manor, 2009). Furthermore, to discuss many more in detail, the phenomena above will be describe into several topics such as definition, summarise and analyze, critically analyze opinion, and synthesize of phenomena into thesis plan. Definition In accordance with the phenomenon found in my interest area then the next explain about the appropriate definitions as follows: Hand washing Hand washing is washing hands with plain or antimicrobial soap and water (WHO, 2009). Hand washing is cleansing the hands of any dirt, starting from fingertip to elbow and arm in a certain way as needed (Subroto, 1987 cited in Yuhanna, 2010). Another definition by Potter (2005 cited in Yuhanna, 2010) hand washing is the rub with soap in with the whole hand skin surface with a strong and compact which is then rinsed under running water. Related to the definition above, in my opinion the definition of hand washing is practice of washing hands with soap by elementary school students in grade 1st 3rd . Elementary school According to Ministry of Education of Indonesia (2010) elementary school is a form of formal education unit conducting public education on basic education. Primary education aims to build a foundation for the growth potential of learners to become a human being: a healthy, independent, and confident. Public school or other equivalent form consisting above 6 (six) levels of classes, namely grade 1 (one), grade 2 (two), grade 3 (three), grade 4 (four), grade 5 (five), and grade 6 (six). As far as my knowledge, elementary school is operationally defined as the place where students 1st 3rd grades doing hand washing activities. Effective According to effective is the degree to which objectives are achieved and the extent to which targeted problems are solved. Effectiveness is determined without reference to cost and, whereas effectiveness means doing the right thing. Moreover in effective is adequate to accomplish a purpose; producing the intended or expected result: effective teaching methods. Based on the definition before, for this phenomenon effective is how grade 1st 3rd elementary school students to wash hands in accordance with quality of hand washing. Program According to definition of program is a planned series of future events or performances. The synonym of program is a set of related measures or activities with a particular long-term aim. Moreover in Cambridge dictionaries online program defined as a plan of activities to be done or things to be achieved. Program is operationally defined as a series of hand-washing activities made à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹by the community school for students grade 1st 3rd. Summarise and analyze Based on previous studies obtained, further in this paper will describe summarise and analyze six components, namely definition, objective, conceptual framework, research design, samples, main result and limitation. Objective The purpose of this study was to identify, describe, explain, or predict the solution to a situation or a phenomenon that occurs (Hamid, 2007). As the best of my literacy, all research studies have clearly set goals. Based on 28 studies were found, the purpose of the studies can be divided into six categories. First, it aims to determine hand washing practice behaviour (Quintero, Freeman, Neumark, 2009; Drankiewich Dundes, 2003; Larson, Aiello, Cimiotti, 2004; Aslan et al., 2006; Larson Lusk, 2006; Yuhanna, 2010; Arfianti, 2010). In general the researchers would like to know about the implementation of hand washing compliance in various settings such as health care setting and in education setting. A study conducted by Quintero et al. (2009) further explains that by knowing about the hand washing behaviour will be able to identify bottlenecks in the implementation of proper hand washing practises. Meanwhile, Yuhanna (2010) connects the hand washing behaviour with parenting parent s. Second, it aims to assess affect of hand washing (Luby et al., 2005; Nandrup-Bus, 2011; Thumma, Aiello, Foxman, 2009). Study conducted by Luby et al. (2005) dan Thumma et al. (2009) associate hand washing with incidence of acute respiratory infection, impetigo and diarrhoea. While, Nandrup-Bus (2011) study associate hand washing with actual absenteeism because of infectious illness. Third, the objective is to determine hand washing barriers (Ramos, Schrader, Trujillo, Blea, Greenberg, 2010). To the best of my knowledge, there are three major barriers in hand washing practice such as facilities, supplies and supports. Specifically, Ramos et al. (2010) conduct studies about supplies barrier such as: soap and paper towel/hand dryer. Fourth, to get an idea of application of various handwashing product (Fuller et al., 2011; Morton Schultz, 2004). Fuller et al. (2011) and Morton Schultz (2004) each using a technique gloving and washing hand by alcohol gel. Based on guidelines on hand hygiene in health care by WHO (2009) to determine an effective hand washing products for hand hygiene should be carried out laboratory tests. Meanwhile, the two studies above are not in actual laboratory tests. Fuller et al. (2011) only to find whether hand hygiene compliance differed when gloves were worn and Morton Schultz (2004) linking the use of alcohol gel with reducing absenteeism secondary to infectious illness. Fifth, to evaluate knowledge, attitudes and behaviour of hand washing in community through the provision of education and promotion (Vivas et al., 2008; Lau et al., 2010; Sjoberg Eriksson, 2010; Rosen et al., 2009; Nandrup-Bus, 2010, Tousman et al., 2007; Zain, 2010). According to WHO (2009) area of à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹education and promotion is very appropriate to be applied in both developed and developing countries. Especially in the developing countries, conduct cost-benefit, cost utility and cost-effectiveness very useful for improving hand hygiene. In line with Curtis et al. (2001) education or promotion program can change behavior and to be effective if built on local research, use locally appropriate channels of communication repeatedly and for an extended time. This is consistent with studies conducted by Lau et al. (2010) and Tousman et al. (2007), each of which carry education and promotion by given repetitive instruction and multiple week learner centered . Finally, it aims to evaluate effectiveness of hand washing (Curtis et al., 2001; Judah et al., 2009; Park, Cheong, Son, Ha, 2010; Asiedu, Van-Ess, Papoe, Asiedu, Anderson, 2011; Dunn, Palombo, Salamone, 2002; Vessey et al., 2007; Guinan, McGuckin, Ali, 2002; Snow, White, Kim, 2008). Based on the best of my literacy, effectiveness of hand washing related to quality of hand washing. Larson Lusk (1985) stated that quality of hand washing consist of five variables such as appropriateness, frequency, agent use, duration and technique. This statement are consistent with previous studies that conducted by Curtis et al., 2001; Judah et al., 2009; Park et al., 2010; Asiedu et al., 2011; Snow et al.,2008. On the other hand, reported that hand washing effective if able to reducing and subsequent absenteeism and no difference between different hand washing facilities (free wash hand basins and manual tap operated basins) in reducing microbial flora of hands (Dunn et al., 2002; Vessey et al ., 2007; Guinan et al., 2002). Conceptual framework From 28 research articles, several theoretical frameworks have been used, explicitly or implicitly, by the reviewed studies as the basis of intervention design and implementation. Although most articles failed to give a clear description of the theoretical framework behind the intervention design, based on the description of program procedure, I have identified the use of the following theoretical approaches: health belief model (Park et al., 2010; Morton Schultz, 2004), behavioural change theory (Tousman et al., 2007) and Precede Proceed model (Zain, 2010; Yuhanna, 2010). The Health Belief Model (HBM) is a psychological models that effort to explain and predict health behaviors focusing on the attitudes and beliefs of individuals (University of Twente, n.d.). Otherwise, Remocker Shea (2011) highlighted that HBM attempts to explain the thought process behind individuals decisions related to health behaviour change and maintenance. This model suggests that individuals determine the feasibility, benefits and costs related to an intervention or behaviour change based on the following constructs: perceived susceptibility, perceived severity, perceived benefits, perceived barriers, cues to action, and self-efficacy. Park et al. (2010) used HBM to examine the perception, motivating factors, and behaviour related with the use of hand washing to prevent H1N1 influenza transmission. On the other hand, Morton Schultz (2004) used HBM to understand hand washing knowledge and behaviours in the school setting and how the children practice this behaviour both insid e and outside the school environment. In these previous studies the use of HBM is appropriate because useful in understanding that perceived susceptibility to illness due to improper hand washing behaviours is necessary before commitment to changing or adopting the hand washing behaviour can occur. Tousman et al. (2007) used a model of health behavior change developed by Tousman Zeitz (2003). According to this model, behavior change is a function of factors related to the participants involved in the intervention, the structure of the intervention, and the techniques used in the intervention (Tousman et al., 2007). The participants factor refers to characteristics of the individual attempting to change behavior represented by 2nd grade students because they have a semantic knowledge base that allow them to accurately understand simple infectious disease principles. The structure of the intervention used four week 30 minute sessions. In this study, four types of learner-centered teaching techniques were used those are learner-centered interactive discussions, skill training, students perform activities and self monitoring homework assignment. The Precede-Proceed model describes factors influencing health outcomes and provides a comprehensive structure for health needs assessment, program design, implementation, and evaluation of health promotion programs (Hu, Wallace, Tesh, 2010). This model posits that predisposing, reinforcing, and enabling factors have an effect on behaviour and the environment (Huang Goran, 2003). The Precede-Proceed model consist of two phases, firstly is Precede phase and secondly Proceed phase. The Precede phase include social, epidemiological, behavioural and environmental, education, ecological, administrative and policy assessment (Hu et al., 2010), continuing by Proceed phase to the implementation and evaluation of the intervention (Huang Goran, 2003). Yuhanna (2010) find patterns of parenting as a reinforcing factors influencing hand washing behaviour in school-age children. Whereas, Zain (2010) identified predisposing factors which is education related to hand washing behaviour in school-a ge children. Zain (2010) stated that health education with lecture method, demonstrations and leaflets can affect hand washing behavior in school-age children. Both studies by Yuhanna (2010) and Zain (2010) only implement Precede phase, this may raise the question whether they can be specified using Precede Proceed model or not. A theoretical framework is essential at the beginning of a study to underpin research question and select variables as the end of a study to interpret the outcome (Kitrungrote Cohen, 2006). Furthermore, Bordage (2009) stated that conceptual frameworks help to understand problems or phenomenas that happen. Different conceptual frameworks emphasise different aspects of the problem or elements of the solution (Bordage, 2009). Thus, it can be concluded that the conceptual framework is essential. Researchers must determine the conceptual framework that will be use as a basis for research to be conducted. Research design According to Burns Grove (1993) cited in Hamid (2007) quantitative research is used to describe variables, examine the relationship between variables, and determine cause and effect interactions between variables. Each type of study design has advantages and disadvantages. Sastroasmoro Ismael (2008) states that the best design is to answer the research question accurately, effectively and efficiently. From 28 research studies, 25 studies used a quantitative study design and 3 used a mixed quantitative-qualitative design (Asiedu et al., 2011; Vessey et al., 2007; Tousman et al., 2007). None of the studies used a purely qualitative design. Among of studies that used quantitative study design, 2 studies used descriptive approach (Larson Lusk, 2006; Thumma et al., 2009), 13 studies used experimental approach (Luby et al., 2005; Dunn et al., 2002; Lau et al., 2010; Guinan et al., 2002; Sjoberg Eriksson, 2010; Nandrup-Bus, 2011; Rosen et al., 2009; Nandrup-Bus, 2010; Aslan et al., 2006 ; Ramos et al., 2010; Snow et al., 2008; Morton Schultz, 2004; Zain, 2010) and 10 studies used observational approach (Curtis et al., 2001; Fuller et al., 2011; Judah et al., 2009; Drankiewich Dundes, 2003; Larson et al., 2004; Vivas et al., 2008; Park et al., 2010; Quintero et al., 2009; Yuhanna, 2010; Arfianti, 2010). Among of 10 studies that used observational approach divided into 5 studies by cross sectional and 5 studies by longitudinal time dimension. Thirteen studies (46%) of the 28 studies used experimental design and 10 studies (36%) used observational design. This can be explained that in order to find the strongest causal relationship is to use an experimental study. While observational studies have the capacity of a causal relationship is weaker, but more widely used because it is relatively inexpensive and simple (Sastroasmoro Ismael, 2008). Sample To the best of my knowledge, sample related to subject, sample size, places of setting, and instruments that used to collect data. According to 28 studies reported that there are three categories of subject such as community, students in several setting and health care providers. Most of the subject in previous studies are students (Vivas et al., 2008; Asiedu et al., 2011; Vessey et al., 2007; Quintero et al., 2009; Lau et al., 2010; Guinan et al., 2002; Morton Schultz, 2004; Nandrup-Bus, 2011; Nandrup-Bus, 2010; Tousman et al., 2007; Snow et al., 2008; Ramos et al., 2010; Yuhanna, 2010; Zain, 2010; Park et al., 2010; Drankiewich Dundes, 2003; Thumma et al., 2009; Aslan et al., 2006; Rosen et al., 2009) followed by health care providers (Fuller et al, 2011; Sjoberg Eriksson, 2010; Larson Lusk, 2006; Arfianti, 2010; Larson et al., 2004) and community (Curtis et al., 2001; Judah et al., 2009; Luby et al., 2005; Dunn et al., 2002). The selection of the student as a subject most clos ely related to two things: the school age group is susceptible to diseases caused by infection (Hezel et al., 2000 cited in Vessey et al., 2007; Vivas et al., 2008) and characteristics of development phase of school age (Yuhanna, 2010). School-age children is the great imitator, they would learn to behave as the behavior of those around them. So that when children are taught from childhood to live clean and healthy behaviors, such as washing hands before and after feeding, they will be familiar and accept become habits (Yuhanna, 2010). School children are the symbolism of the union of all components of the family and community. So in this case school-age children can serve as agents of change for healthy behavior (Yuhanna, 2010). The sample sizes of students range from 57 (Zain, 2010) to 2042 (Quintero et al., 2009). The sample sizes of health care providers range from 54 (Sjoberg Ericksson, 2010) to 131 (Larson Lusk, 2006). The sample sizes of community range from 32 (Dunn et al., 2002) to 198,000 (Judah et al., 2009). Dunn et al. (2002) used 32 premises become samples divided into 13 premises with manual hand basins and 19 premises with hand free basins to investigate the effectiveness of hands free wash hand basins and manual tap operated basins in reducing microbial flora on food handlers hands. Related to the place of setting, school is the current setting that reported used followed by practise setting and community setting. At school setting consist of several specific setting. First in preschool (Rosen et al., 2009), second in elementary school (Vivas et al., 2008; Asiedu et al., 2011; Vessey et al., 2007; Quintero et al., 2009; Lau et al., 2010; Guinan et al., 2002; Morton Schultz, 2004; Nandrup-Bus, 2011; Nandrup-Bus, 2010; Tousman et al., 2007; Snow et al., 2008; Ramos et al., 2010; Yuhanna, 2010; Zain, 2010), third in secondary school (Aslan et al., 2006) and fourth in college (Park et al., 2010; Drankiewich Dundes, 2003; Thumma et al., 2009). At practice setting used wards in the hospital both inpatient and outpatient care unit (Fuller et al, 2011; Sjoberg Eriksson, 2010; Larson Lusk, 2006; Arfianti, 2010; Larson et al., 2004). At community setting used household, premises and natural setting (Curtis et al., 2001; Judah et al., 2009; Luby et al., 2005; Dunn et a l., 2002). From 28 research articles, several instruments have been used, explicitly or implicitly, single or combination used such as structure observation check list, questionnaire, wireless devices, several hand washing promotion, reviewing document, self report and combine of two or three instruments. Structure observation check list is the most widely used instrument (Curtis et al., 2001; Fuller et al., 2011; Dunn et al., 2002; Drankiewich Dundes, 2003; Aslan et al., 2006; Ramos et al., 2010; Snow et al., 2008). Followed by questionnaire instrument that used within 6 studies (Vivas et al., 2008; Park et al., 2010; Quintero et al., 2009; Sjoberg Eriksson, 2010; Larson Lusk, 2006; Yuhanna, 2010). Four studies from Lau et al. (2010); Guinan et al. (2002); Nandrup-Bus. (2010); Morton Schultz (2004) used reviewing document as instrument. Otherwise, several hand washing promotion instrument used by Luby et al. (2005); Rosen et al. (2009); Zain (2010). Furthermore, studies from Judah et al. ( 2009); Thumma et al. (2009); respectively, used wireless devices and self report as the instrument. Another four studies used more than one instruments. Asiedu et al. (2011) used combination between questionnaire and structure observation check list, Vessey et al. (2007) mixed between several hand washing promotion and reviewing document, Larson et al. (2004) combined between structure observation check list and self reported: diary, Nandrup-Bus (2011) used questionnaire and reviewing document and Tousman et al. (2007) mixed multiple instruments such as training devices, handout, reviewing document and structure observation check list. As opposite, studies conducted by Arfianti (2010) did not mention what type of instrument used. As additional, all studies have explained about the ethical consideration. It is very important because the main objective of the ethics of research is to provide optimum protection to the subject of research (Sastroasmoro Ismael, 2008). Main result With regard to documenting outcome measure, in all 28 studies reported several outcomes measure, respectively, hand washing compliance, absenteeism rate, hand washing frequency, illness symptom, soap usage, glove usage, number of colonies, presence of hand washing supplies, hand washing disinfectant consumption and some of the studies used more than one type of outcome measure. Not only outcome measure, but also variables identified from all 28 studies. Eight studies used hand washing compliance for outcome measure (Vivas et al., 2008; Quintero et al., 2009; Drankiewich Dundee, 2003; Larson et al., 2004; Larson Lusk, 2006; Yuhanna, 2010; Arfianti, 2010; Zain, 2010). Seven studies used absenteeism rate as outcome measure (Vessey et al., 2007; Lau et al., 2010; Guinan et al., 2002; Nandrup-Bus, 2011; Nandrup-Bus, 2010; Tousman et al., 2007; Morton Schultz, 2004). Each of these two studies used soap usage (Curtis et al., 2001; Judah et al., 2009), hand washing frequency (Park et al., 2010; Snow et al., 2008), and illness symptom (Luby et al., 2005; Thumma et al., 2009). Each one a study that used glove usage (Fuller et al., 2011), number of colony (Dunn et al., 2002), presence of hand washing supplies (Ramos et al., 2010) and hand disinfectant consumption (Sjoberg Eriksson, 2010). Some of the studies used more than one type of outcome measure. Asiedu et al. (2011) mixed hand washing practice and presence of hand washing facilities and supplies become outcome measure. In other hand, Rosen et al. (2009) combined belief, attitude, knowledge and self efficacy of preschool educator as outcome measure and Aslan et al. (2006) used level of knowledge and hand washing practice become outcome measure. According to 28 studies reported several variables that influenced hand washing treatment, respectively demography variable included age, education level, social norms and social status, quality of hand washing variable, impact of improper hand washing, insufficient of hand washing facilities or inadequate hand washing supplies, social support or social relationship and hand washing barriers. In eight intervention studies (Luby et al., 2005; Vessey et al., 2007; Lau et al., 2010; Guinan et al., 2002; Nandrup-Bus, 2011; Nandrup-Bus, 2010; Ramos et al., 2010; Morton Schultz, 2004), the study group was divided into one experimental and one control group. Rosen et al., (2009) and Aslan et al., (2006) have a one group experimental. Two studies (Sjoberg Eriksson, 2010; Zain, 2010) used pre test and post test questionnaires, whereas Snow et al., (2008) used one control group, two intervention group and post intervention questionnaires. As the best of my literacy, there are both consistency finding and inconsistency finding highlight among 28 studies. According to variable demography, namely gender reported consistent that female were more likely to practice more frequent hand washing (Park et al., 2010; Thumma et al., 2009). Otherwise, Lau et al. (2010); Guinan et al. (2002); Nandrup-Bus, (2011); Nandrup-Bus, (2010); Tousman et al. (2007); Morton Schultz, (2004) explained that intervention group has fewer episodes of sickness absence and fewer sickness day than control group. Its become inconsistency finding because as opposite Vessey et al. (2007) state that no significant differences were noted between the groups, indicating that the number of student absence was not appreciably affected by the hand cleansing technique used. Based on the important inconsistency finding of this study suggesting implication for further studies in order that focus on absenteeism rate affect by hand washing action. Limitation From 28 research articles, several limitations have been founded, explicitly or implicitly, single or multiple limitations. Several single limitations have to consider when interpreting the studies. First, limitation in approach system used (Curtis et al., 2001; Judah et al., 2009; Park et al., 2010; Vessey et al., 2007; Drankiewich Dundes, 2003; Larson et al., 2004). Curtis et al. (2001) stated that structured observation has limitation as a method of collecting data about human behaviour. Second, sample size and homogenous sample (Dunn et al., 2002; Sjoberg Eriksson, 2010; Yuhanna, 2010; Zain, 2010). Dunn et al. (2002) informed that small number of manual wash hand basins available for the project become limitation of the study. Third, Quintero et al. (2009) explained that instrument, namely questionnaire has any bias toward over reporting of proper behaviors. Fourth, out come variable from the studies (Larson Lusk, 2006; Morton Schultz, 2004). Morton Schultz (2004) stated tha t the outcome variable, absenteeism related to infectious illness could be perceived as bias in measurement because the school nurse served as data collector for the study. Fifth, 8 researchers were not clearly describe limitation in their studies (Luby et al., 2005; Asiedu et al., 2011; Nandrup-Bus, 2011; Rosen et al., 2009; Nandrup-Bus, 2010; Aslan et al., 2006; Snow et al., 2008; Thumma et al., 2009). In other hand, 7 researchers stated that in their studies have more than one limitation (Vivas et al., 2008; Fuller et al., 2011; Lau et al., 2010; Guinan et al., 2002; Tousman et al., 2007; Ramos et al., 2010; Arfianti, 2010). Vivas et al. (2008) stated that in their study there are several limitations toward to approach system, sample, and study design. Whereas, Arfianti (2010) explained that there are two limitations, namely sample and instrument in her study. Only five studies that explain the conceptual framework used (Park et al., 2010; Morton Schultz, 2004; Tousman et al, 2007; Yuhanna, 2010; Zain, 2010), whereas 23 researchers did not explain the conceptual framework that used as the basis on their studies. Critically analyze Based on the summary above, it will further be explained more specifically that gaps are found. The discussion will be divided into three sections: gap in knowledge and gap in conceptual framework. Gap in knowledge To the best of my knowledge, gap in knowledge found among others in objective and outcome variable. On the objective, all interventions have been prepared previously by the researchers. In this case, participants implement something planned by the researchers. Similarly, when the studies conducted in community setting (Curtis et al., 2001; Judah et al., 2009; Luby et al., 2005; Dunn et al., 2002). Curtis et al. (2001) evaluated whether the governments program of effective to behaviour change. Otherwise, Judah et al. (2009) determine effectiveness at increasing hand washing with soap in a natural setting. Moreover, Luby et al. (2005) assess the effect of hand washing promotion with soap on the incidence of acute respiratory infection, impetigo, and diarrhoea. Thus, all done by researchers have developed previously without the involvement of community to decide for themselves what they need. Fallen Dwi (2010) expressed how important and strategic working together with the community

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Yellow Wallpaper as a Guide To Insanity and Madness -- Yellow Wall

The Yellow Wallpaper as a Guide To Insanity   Ã‚   "There comes John, and I must put this away- he hates to have me write a word" (p659). As evident by the above quote, Gilman places the narrator of "The Yellow Wallpaper" as secluded as she could be; she is placed in a large house, surrounded only by her husband and by little help (Jennie), when it is unfortunately clear that her relationship with her husband is based on distance and misunderstanding: "It is so hard to talk with John about my case, because he is so wise, and because he loves me so"(p 663). Gilman further confines her narrator as it becomes clear that the poor soul has absolutely no one to talk to; that is, no one who can understand her. The narrator is cornered by her loved ones, she is isolated from the world under her husband-doctor orders, she is thus physically confined to her shaky mental realm.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The next aspect of the narrator that zooms us into her state is her tone: "I really have discovered something at last.... The front pattern does move- and no wonder! The woman behind shakes it!" (p 666). Gilm...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Essay on Kids, Schools and Guns :: Argumentative Persuasive Topics

Kids, Schools and Guns Guns. The word itself conjures up images of bloodshed and death. Yet instead of instilling fear into people, American society has embraced guns and placed them in numerous homes under the pretence of protection. Add to that image - children. Children and guns should never have any association, yet has become somewhat commonplace because of the many incidences that involve the two. In the age bracket of 10 to 19 years, guns are the second leading cause of deaths, after automobile accidents, in America. Of the 5751 deaths in 1993, 3661 were homicides while 1460 were suicides. One American in that age group dies every 92 minutes regardless of cause, and for every child killed, four are injured. Between 1996 and 1997, 6000 school children were expelled for bringing guns to school. ( In April 1999, two boys in Littleton, Colorado went on a rampage at Columbine High School where 12 students and a teacher were killed. Almost 20 other students were hurt during this incident. They turned the guns on themselves after the shooting was over. Then in May, a 15-year-old boy opened fire at Heritage High School in Conyers, Georgia injuring six students. He had taken a rifle and pistol from a cabinet of weapons in his home. ( In May 1998, in Springfield, Oregon, a 15-year-old, expelled from Thurston High School, returned to the school and opened fire in the cafeteria, killing two students. His parents were later found shot dead in their home, believed to have been killed by the son. The latest shooting took place in Michigan this past February where a six-year-old boy shot dead a classmate. Kayla Rolland, 6, was shot through the neck and died later in hospital. The boy was under the care of his aunt, living in a house where guns were within reach, and drugs were traded for stolen weapons. The six-year-old, suspended from school three times prior to the shooting, once for stabbing a student with a pencil, got the loaded gun from under some blankets on a bed at the house in which he was living. One might imagine that after all these unnecessary deaths, gun laws would be revised to ensure guns are kept out of the hands of children. In America, the Brady Law states that anyone under 21 cannot legally purchase handguns from licensed dealers. There is, however, a loophole whereby 18 to 21-year-olds can purchase handguns from private or unlicensed dealers.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Employee Engagement and Grievance Handling Essay

Title of the Project Employee Engagement and Grievance Handling Process Statement about the Problem This topic has been chosen because in every organization, employee engagement activities are conducted as employee  productivity  is clearly connected with employee engagement. It is a  business management  concept. An â€Å"engaged employee† is one who is fully involved in, and enthusiastic about his work, and thus will act in a way that furthers their  organization’s interests. Thus, engagement is distinctively different from employee satisfaction, motivation and organizational culture. An integral part of employee engagement is a strong grievance handling mechanism. Objectives and Scope of Study a. Analyze the Employee Engagement activities that are being done at ‘Indigo’and the outcomes of these activities. b. Understand the process mapping for employee engagement. c. Techniques used for engaging employees in our organizationd. Grievance handling process e. Introduction and types of grievances. f. Discuss the grievance handling process at organizational, process, project ; individual levelg. Methods used in grievance handling h. Understand how Employee Engagement activities and Grievance Handling processes go hand in hand. Methodology Research methodology talks about data collection of the project work. The data collection as such is divided into:I. Primary Data a. Questionnaire survey b. Face-to-face discussion with existing employees who are there in the organization for more than six months or so. c. Discussion with Human Resource specialists. II. Secondary Data 1) Journals 2) Company records and reports 3) Internet Searches 4) External websites 5) On line survey conducted by company.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Cause of Depression Analysis Worksheet Essay

Purpose: The Cause of Depression Analysis Worksheet’s purpose is to guide your steps in analyzing the resources from the Resource List in u06s3 and Capella Library regarding the cause of depression from the perspective you have chosen to research. This worksheet will help lead you through the research process by providing you a systematic way to analyze the resources you have chosen to research. As you review resources, you will use the worksheet to analyze the authors’ positions on the issue and the arguments they present to support their positions. To fill out the worksheet, work your way down through the analysis components for each individual article and record your analysis for each component in the cell under the title of the article you are reviewing. When you have completed your analysis of individual articles, you can then look across the responses to compare and contrast the perspectives on the issue. You will submit your Cause of Depression Analysis Worksheet to the Unit 6 assignment area. Name of Perspective: Cognitive Analysis Components Cause of Depression Research Articles APA citation for article APA citation for article The main purpose of this article is . . . [State as accurately as possible the author’s purpose for writing the article. What is the author’s position or point of view?] The purpose of this article is the causes of depression its core and what still somewhat of a mysterious. Some physicians thoughts and point of view is that depression could be caused by physical and mental development†s from within that later affect an individual. Often times because the way the brain works it could trigger symptoms caused by depression. The change can affect an individual’s mood causing them to feel happy, and disregarding the things they use too enjoy doing on a daily basis.A an individual with depression usually starts manifesting signs that  include feeling unhappy, empty, hopeless, irritable, or anxious could be interpreting or considered to have depression. Individuals that are experiencing depression often feel unable to break free from all the thoughts and emotio ns. The main arguments that the author is making are . . . [Determine the main arguments the author makes to support their position.] Modern day brain development and industrial science disclosed that depression, and its neural circuits are liable for the arrangements of mood,thinking, sleeping, loss of appetite, demeanor to decline and or to work accordingly. Nonetheless, the exact origin of such conditions sustains to be a matter of excessive exploration. Often times the connections of genetic cognitive and environmental factors is elaborated in the onset of a depressive disorder. The evidence or facts the author uses in this article to support their arguments are. . . [Identify the facts, data, or resources the author uses to support his/her argument. Applied science has indicated that symptoms of depression such as feeling unhappy, empty, hopeless, irritable, or anxious, or a sense of fear, or a feeling of worthlessness or guilt, result in headaches, muscle pains, loss of appetite and general unhappiness. Cognitive psychologist examine internal processes including perception, attention, language memory and thinking. The main conclusion[s]/inference[s] in this article are . . . [Identify the key conclusions the author comes to and presents in the article.] Treatments such as medication and counseling are generally used for depression Many different kinds of medications are accessible to treat the symptoms of depression. Utilizing prescription medicines can alleviate and help an individual recover their lives and learn how to balance their state of mental health. However, the main problem for some individuals is ultimately facing things and not ridding themselves of destructive mental states. The main assumptions underlying the author’s thinking are . . . [Think about what the author is assuming to be true and what might be questioned. To expand on this statement you will need to think about the larger context of  the topic.] The Cause of depression. Depression is not one’s state of mind or the the way an individual is feeling. It’s a medical condition. It should be must be looked at with the proper mentality. Depression is a very severe disease that can alter one’s lifestyle, their eating, sleeping pattern, friendship, and habits.Individuals depression cannot expect change in a month or wish themselves better. They must get medical attention, either physical or mental treatment in order to help restore equilibrium. This is where counseling plays a major role in their recovery. By discussing their problems with a trained psychologist. Individuals can find ways to avoid future depression triggers and find a balance. If we accept the author’s line of reasoning, the implications are . . . [What consequence does the author’s argument have on our understanding of current research and/or theory?] As psychiatrist we will continue educate ourselves more about the Causes of Depression. However, with combinated research and the appropriate proceedings of treating an individual with depression illnesses can get better. As a psychiatrist we will learn more about the Reactions of Depression with more research and the proper procedures we will work more towards treating an individual with depression illnesses. If we reject the author’s line of reasoning, the implications are . . . [What consequence does rejecting the author’s argument have on our understanding of current research and theory?] We may not as psychiatrists know the proper procedures and guidelines to treating a person with depression. We may not as psychiatrists know the proper procedures to follow when a person has physical changes along with depression and the guidelines to use when treating a person with depression. We may not as psychiatrists know the proper procedures and guidelines to follow when treating a person who has unusual mental and or physical reaction with depression but we will continue to learn more in order to help individuals suffering from depression.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Analysis of Scene 2 of Blue Remembered Hills Essay

In scene 2, the audience can see a slight change of pace. This is shown through the lack of physical violence in this scene in comparison to the previous scene 1. The pace starts off as fidgety as the two seven year old boys-Peter and Willie- can barely keep still but the pace hardly reaches any faster than this through the rest of the scene. The point in which they are both laughing and giggling uncontrollably is the only real point where the pace picks up a bit. This is when the boys are both laughing about Wallace peeing on a gorse bush due to the fact that he thought it â€Å"was on fire†. The subject of Wallace visibly fastens the pace, as is evidence in many other scenes. I think the slow pace of this scene shows the actual weakness of these two boys as their dilemmas and problems at their age are partially revealed through their banter and conversation. The seemingly raw subject of Donald and the beatings he receives at home seem to strike a misunderstood chord with the two boys but they shrug off the confusion and potential sadness and envelope themselves into another situation. This awkwardness is shown in the stage directions alone as â€Å"they fall silent† and the â€Å"tension that they do not understand† is quickly broken by more childishness, and they quickly run themselves into another less sensitive subject. The moments where there is quite a fast pace in this scene is only created by the characters purposely after they are bored and have nothing else to do or interesting to say. The subject of Donald is quickly followed by a purpose running about and â€Å"swooping† around by the two boys to bring up the energy levels. The back and forth conversation about the Dandy and Beano gets quite tedious for Peter and he quickly is distracted by something else more active and exciting. The characters in this scene are still both Willie and Peter and the relationship between the boys familiarly stays the same. In the previous scene, the audience saw that Peter was dominant in the relationship and frequently craved control of it and of Willie, often with physical violence but in this scene, he no longer results to this and uses his words more to cajole Willie into telling him where the jam jars are. Willie also still seems to have the upper hand in the argument though as he knows all the information Peter wants to get. Because of this, Peter has to still be moderately controlled in how he acts towards Willie to get the location of the jam jars out of him. This unexpected control Willie has is evident as when Peter once again threatens Willie with physical violence-his fist- he sees that this may completely blow his chance of getting any information so he rethinks and offers him his Dandy. Willie is now in control as he shows to Peter that he doesn’t care and that he could buy his own comic. This under-valued control that Willie has is still present in scene 2 and similarly continues on in the play. Concluding, there is small change of pace and characters in Scene 2 but not on a large scale. The pace is slowed down visibly from Scene 1 as there is not as much playing about and fighting between the two characters. Apart from the stage directions in Scene 1 where it clearly stated if they were moving and what actions they were doing if they were talking, this was no stated in Scene 2, therefore, I have no choice but to assume most if their conversation was given mostly in stationary mode. There was no real change in characters in Scene 2 other than the fact that In scene 1, Peter was triumphant in his method of physical beating to get Willie to give him the apple and in scene 2, Willie was triumphant in his knowledge of information to keep a secret the information about the jam jars but that was only really successful because of the distraction of the squirrel.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Overcriminalization Essay

In every nation, people are governed by a government. The very purpose of having a government is to have a highest authority to maintain peace and order in a nation. A government, through its legitimate authority and power, sets up laws and rules and every citizens are expected to follow. These laws are granted as a guide and ensure that the activities and affairs of every individual are within the context of legality, morality, accepted customs, and traditions and is not violating other people’s rights. Body In criminal law and even in the Constitution, crimes that are against people and properties are defined. This includes murder, rape, robbery, theft, among others. Corresponding punishment has also been provided for the purpose of distinguishing the legal standard of justice (Husak, 2008, p. 6). Significantly, justice is the very reason for penalizing individuals who acted beyond their right. However, justice also has standard that cannot just easily be measured. But the laws are controlling and in the context of the law, justice is served. On the part of every individual, he is given freedom to act, provided that he is not violating any laws. In the society, changes are also indispensable, like the existence of homosexuals. For these changes and acceptance of the people of taboos, many argue that overcriminalization exist in the criminal justice system of the country. Meanwhile overcriminalization refers to idea that laws regulating public morality may result in a substantial diversion of police, prosecutor, and judicial time, personnel and resources. In the medical and psychological arena, homosexuality is accepted; however such has been criminalized under the sodomy law established since nineteenth century (Greenbers, 1988, p. 455). Notably, During WWII, a man was convicted of 20- year in prison for running an entertainment establishment for homosexuals despite his effort in catching German spies (Greenbers, 1988 p. 455). Since then several men were indicted for a long year imprisonment because of heterosexual relationships. Gays’ and even lesbians’ acts and choice were controlled by law. A wrong choice would be equivalent to imprisonment. Since then the sodomy law has been challenged of its constitutionality. Several gays claimed that sodomy laws curtails their freedom to privacy and choice. However, the court stayed the legality of the law until 2003. In Lawrence v. Texas (539 U. S. 558), the petitioner, a man, was caught in his private room having carnal knowledge with a man. They were arrested for violating the sodomy law. In court, Lawrence raised that the law violates their constitutional right on equal protection, due process and privacy. After extensive debates, all sodomy laws were stricken out in all states and the gays and lesbians were liberated. Primarily, the court stressed that gays have Another overcriminalization seen is the prohibition on alcohol consumption. In the olden era, wine serves as medicine for several diseases and as pain reliever. Wine was also among the essentials in gatherings and ceremonies. Through time, many alcohol beverages were processed to make it more intoxicant. However, it was made a crime to consume alcohol and other form of intoxicants. The authorities argued that alcohol can make a drank an evil because of the effects of intoxication. Many crimes were committed due to drunkenness and to avoid further crimes, the law prohibited the citizens to take in alcohol. However, the curtailment of crime resulted to the violation of right. The legislature kept on defining numerous crimes instead of setting up a fairer standard that will regulate alcohol. At present, the law is still silent as to the issue on lowering of drinking age from 21 to 18 years of age. Many argue that adults below 21 year- old are penalized for consuming alcohol and considered it as ironical when they were granted political and civil rights at the age of 18. Through this, the law is seen to have overcriminalized. However, the law is becoming lenient because several adult below 21 are able to drink without being caught. While it may be observed that the law is becoming lenient on criminalizing some immoral acts, other forms of overcriminalization can be noticed today. Although liberations have been celebrated by various classes, the public is endangered of other being punished severely for petty crimes. With the death of sodomy law and alcohol bans, the liberty of the citizens are yet unsettled. After the 9/11 terrorist attack several laws were passed by the Congress to curtail terrorism. However, it has a drawback against the citizens. The Patriot Act which encompasses crimes of smuggling and money laundering is considered to have its way to overcriminalization. This is so because of the imposition of a grave penalty to a petty crime. An astonishing example is David McNab, a fisherman, who was charged for smuggling and money- laundering for bagging a 5. 5 inches lobster (Berlau, Making a Meth of the Patriot Act). . For a minor environmental violation, McNab is now serving a â€Å"multi- year sentence† (Berlau, Making a Meth of the Patriot Act). Many more types of overcriminalization are expected in the enforcement of the Patriot act because of the free access and intensified surveillance that authorities are able to do. In some states, overcriminalization do exist. In District of Columbia, the state law and even federal law prohibit the unauthorized use of the â€Å"Smokey Bear† emblems (Luna, 2005, p. 704). The lawful exercise of religious belief in school and in public placed are even punished or restricted due to the insistence of separation of church and state principle. Nevertheless, while overcriminalization may still exist, today’s regulation has become more lenient than before. Rights to same- sex marriage, common law relationship, and even possession of gun by private individuals are just some of the evidence of laws leniency. Since the feudal time, many changes have occurred that even various kinds of discrimination were eradicated. Many liberalists were overjoyed and are even lobbying for other rights that are made punishable by laws. As for them, the enjoyment of liberties is the real guarantee of democracy. Conclusion Since nineteenth century, the government’s authority was so broad in scope that citizens were enjoying a limited freedom. Any acts of immorality in eyes of the church then were also punishable by law. Several private rights were not recognized due to the controlling laws and unacceptability of the society of the changes. These led to the perception that overcriminalization is existing in the legal system. In the twentieth century, laws that impose punishments for immoral acts were invalidated by the courts. Indeed, overcriminalization has slowed a bit. However, due to the pending threat on security, the overcriminalization may be strengthened. But the civil liberty advocates are watchful of every government acts to avoid further curtailment of rights and eventually guarantees respect to democracy.

Casino Royale Opening Sequence Analysis Essay Sample

Casino Royale begins with a pre-credit sequence that gives the audience a obscure penetration into the narrative of the movie. that is about to unknot. While most Bond films start with the hallmark gun barrel sequence. Casino Royale was the first Bond film to get down with a pre-credit sequence that tied into the gun barrel sequence. Casino Royale besides does non integrate female figures in the gap credits and alternatively uses the James Bond character as the cardinal figure. The pre-credit sequence has been edited into black and white. which is a intervention form. and uses rather a contrast of the two colorss. particularly in the violent bathroom scene. The usage of visible radiation and shadow is besides a major intervention form used. where the light appears to be more settled on Bond’s face ( the ally ) and the shadow is more prone to MI6 subdivision head. Dryden’s face. to bespeak the relationship between the good and the bad. A Walther PPK gun was used in the movie Casino Royale. this symbolizes Bond as a superior character. and besides gives him his dual 0 position. This gun besides suits his character. an MI7 agent. as another gun. such as a western gun. would non function its intent in the movie. At the really beginning of the pre-credit sequence. an analytical shooting of the lift Numberss increasing appears. the Numberss increase up to figure 6. screening that the following degree would be 7. This connects to James Bond being 007 and that Dryden is about to meet him in his office room. on the 7th floor. The edifice that first appears has the text â€Å"PRAGUE† appear on the screen. this is a Eastern European topographic point and could besides associate the Bond’s foremost kill ( Fisher ) as he besides appears to be Eastern European. The first shooting the audience receives of Dryden is a low camera angle shooting. this gives him a high position and besides indicates that he is rather a powerful adult male. Shot-reverse-shot is used in the duologue between Bond and Dryden. in-between this are speedy cuts to a flashback of a violent bathroom scene where Bond is doing his first putting to death. this makes it more edgy/jumpy for the audience. The flashback is evidently in the past and this is a contrast to the present footage that is besides being shown. the usage of colors is besides contrasting as the flashback uses more inauspicious colors to the present. Switch overing between two narratives relates to Bond’s foremost and 2nd putting to death. his first in the flashback and his approaching 2nd. to have his dual 0 position. it shows that he is a extremely skilled MI7 agent and give the audience an penetration into the remainder of the movie. Other analytical shootings are used foremost when Dryden opens the drawer in which contains his gun and back a really speedy analytical shooting of a framed image of Dryden’s household. merely before he dies. these are used to give more elaborate narrative information. An set uping shooting is used at the really beginning of the debut. it shows the exterior of the edifice and so the following shooting shows the interior of the edifice. Reaction shootings are besides used in the pre-credit sequence. the first reaction shooting is a close up of Bond’s face after his first kill demoing a spot of sorrow. but his reaction shooting of his 2nd putting to death is besides a stopping p oint up but shows that Bond is more happy with himself this clip and more please of what he has accomplished. as he has now succeeded in killing two people. The gait of the flashback scene is really speedy and shows that the violent death is done suddenly. seeking to acquire it over with where-as Bond’s second putting to death is more drawn out and has more significance to it. for illustration. Bond has a conversation with his victim foremost. The music in the flashback besides is really loud. which is non-diegetic. and besides adds to the edgy and jumpy tenseness that is put across. A lone auto drawing into a parking batch and the sound of footfalls on a cold difficult floor are diegetic sounds that are used in the debut to depict the surrounding environment. it indicates that there is no 1 about apart from Dryden and gives the feeling that the edifice is empty. However this merely adds to the tenseness even more as James Bond fans know that the movies are normally â€Å"action-packed† and that something exciting is bound to go on shortly. There is a representation of two different societal categories in the pre-credit sequence. it portrays Dryden as a more upper category adult male. with the manner he looks and the manner he speaks. where as Bond ( Daniel Craig ) looks more thuggish and like he is out to kill. The audience is merely introduced to males in the pre-credit sequence but it portrays them with more power and position within the movie. nevertheless Bond movies are known to include the celebrated â€Å"Bond girls† . and nevertheless naive they may look. they do excessively besides have a batch of power and can play a chief portion in the violent scenes. The narrative in the debut is in the stage of orientation. as it foremost introduces us to a few of the characters and besides indicates the initial state of affairs. it allows the audience to believe further into the narrative about what is traveling to go on. The debut can besides move as something for the audience to associate back to in the terminal to understand the significance of peculiar fortunes. At the terminal of the pre-credit sequence it is still on the flashback footage and the adult male who we think Bond has killed gets up with a gun to hit at Bond but so the audience is placed inside the shaft of a gun as Bond turns rapidly around and fires straight at the camera. go forthing a drip of blood buttocks. The celebrated James Bond subject melody so begins. Hearing this signature entirely is adequate to suggest that one is about to see a James Bond film. which follows an established set of criterions. The audience is prepared to see the new Bond miss. the new appliances a nd vehicles. the new stunts. and the new secret plan that ever consequences with James Bond salvaging the universe from immorality.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Gender Inequality Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Gender Inequality - Research Paper Example Gender inequality in the workplace particularly has disastrous effects on the overall organization because the more stressful the working environment is the less effective is exhibited by employees. Between the years 1940 to 1995, a large number of women entered the labor force but unfortunately their exposure resulted in a whole new set of inequality problems. Unfortunately, inequality is also prevalent in the US government where men hold more than 85% of the elected positions and about 95% of the corporate executives are also males. On the other hand, women occupy two-thirds of the poor adult population. A substantial amount of the women population is still insecure because of problems such as sexual violence, occupational inequalities and feminization of poverty, continues to threaten them. We have encouraged women to pursue occupations once reserved only for their counterparts yet we have not encouraged men to follow traditional roles performed by women. Therefore, women continue to withstand the burden of undertaking family up bringing which inevitably limits the role they can play in the outside world. Therefore, it signifies that women are capable of contributing extensively towards economic and social development but their traditional responsibilities limit their capabilities. Despite the gender disparities that exist in our society, most of us do not consider it a serious problem and this is the very reason why the paradoxical legacy of inequality continues to plague our nation. (Rhode 2000). Our youth and adults feel comfortable discussing certain sexual issues such as sexual preferences, sexual relationships and sexual deviance but we feel uncomfortable discussing sexual inequality and its implications. In most conversations, the topic of sexual inequality is treated as an intruder which in most cases us unwelcomed. Ironically, most women’s rights activists fail to realize the fact that it’s about time we stopped discussing inequality, instead we need to act now and wage a war to eliminate it. On the other hand, we have only a handful of activists working to elevate the position of women which is another reason why the problem of gender inequality is so deep rooted. Despite the fact that women are continuously subjected to juvenile and benevolent sexism, only a quarter of the American women population believes that

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Young goodman brown Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Young goodman brown - Research Paper Example Hawthorne writes the masterpiece with a pool of symbols that promotes the understanding of the story. Symbolism is used to depict Goodman’s experience in and out of the forest enhancing the understanding of the concept of good and evil. The story begins with an ironical situation where Goodman leaves his three months’ old married wife for something not known deep in the forest. He is very persuasive despite his wife’s plea that he should not go. This aspect is symbolic of the drive that entices humans to pursue their hearts’ desires despite the counsel they get from people who care about them. Leaving ‘Faith’ for the wild symbolically represents a situation where a person will depart from good to pursue something not certain. In the case of Goodman, an evil venture. The forest life presents very unnatural situations, just like the way evil powers manifests supernaturally to men. The forest is a place for the wild. It has been used as an expres sion of the horrible occurrences that happens in there. The first instance he meets an older man who resembles him completely. The appearance of this man symbolises the decision to pursue evil at the age when he already knows how to do good. The resemblance depicts that evil is available among all men including to Goodman. He sees it as a place of no good. He echoes the dominant point of view of seventeenth-century Puritans, who believed that the wild world was something to fear and then dominate (Ezghoul and Zuraika 2). It is symbolic that despite being in the midst of evil Goodman is able to recognise the faith he had always upheld, when he says, â€Å"We are a people of prayer, and good works to boot, and abide no such wickedness† (Hawthorne 1123). This statement is symbolic of the knowledge of doing well that Goodman had been exposed to in his life. The names of the characters in the story are full of hidden meaning. The main character, Goodman, is a symbol that depicts a man who knows how to do good and has the capability to do good, but ironically the symbol reveals that it is good people who end up to committing evil. Apart from him, his wife is also symbolic. Faith had married good man for only three months before he decides to take a walk into the forest at night. She symbolises the belief that Goodman had been upholding but now makes a decision to abandon them. Her name is symbolic of good, Faith is an advantage to him, but he leaves it for unknown results. The devil’s stuff is a very symbolic figure that is used to show the combination of the devil and evil. Just like the biblical deception Eve was exposed to, Goodman takes the staff in order to travel faster but this result into further frustrations. This demonstrates the extent to which humans lose their innocence and faith to curiosity and selfish desires (Fogle 209).. Serpent, further symbolises the ability of evil powers to harm rather than benefit an individual, encircled the stu ff. Because of the inherent human weakness and the inability to fight spiritual aspects physically, Goodman ignorantly held the stuff and was pushed by the powers of evil. The serpent is symbolic of the devil and wickedness. The choice to hold the stuff by Goodman symbolises human weakness in taming their desires. The experience in the forest symbolises the effect of engaging in evil. Goodman Brown, like other Puritans, associates the forest with the wild â€Å"Indians† and sees one hiding behind every tree. The real life situation under the influence of the supernatural powers makes Goodman to rethink about his being and the way he perceived fellow human beings and God. The author has framed the story symbolically for the audience to get the image of good and evil painted. The use of night is symbolic of

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

History of China Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

History of China - Essay Example The Second United Front involved alliance of KMT and CCP in Second Sino-Japanese war and it suspended the civil wars in China from 1937 to 1946. Kai-Shek viewed Chinese Communists as a threat, and true to his perception, they kidnapped him and compelled him to the truce with communists. This resulted to the two parties suspending the fighting to focus on Second United Front that fought against the Japanese. The actual cooperation between CCP and KMT remained minimal. The two parties still vied for territorial advantage in China. This resulted to major clashes, and Kai-shek demanded evacuation of New Fourth army from CCP. This weakened CCP in central China and ended any substantive cooperation between the two. However, in Japan, CCP absorbed KMT forces and made them into puppet forces. Eventually, CCP gained full control of North China. Therefore, the Second United Front became less successful than the first one since it led to the weakening of the KMT in North China and CCP in Centra l China. The two groups never worked as an alliance (Dirlik, 2000). Reasons for Failure of Chiang Kai-Shek in Destroying the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) The victory of CCP over the reactionary Chiang Kai-shek’s power marked a monumental change within the Chinese history. The events were unexpected since CCP came to power through reactionary program of the ‘revolution by stages’. First, the strategy of countering the Stalinist strategy of conquering cities using peasant armed forces alone enhanced the overthrowing of bourgeois Kuomintang regime. During this period, the urban population persistently fought for the oppressed and exploited and brought about an armed insurrection. This led to confusion among the Chinese Comrades of the traditional conception and facts (Taylor, 2006). Second, the Chiang’s regime was completely rotten since it was established amid bloodshed of second Chinese revolution defeat. This made it hostile to people using Asiatic method s. The regime could have only protected itself from imperialist powers since it represented the bourgeoisie of Orient. Therefore, it used all reactionary influences in resisting the masses, and consequently, it was unable to fulfill the bourgeoisie democratic tasks. After the failure of non-defensive policy, Chiang government had to fight the Japanese, and this revealed their incompetence where they lost several cities. Such acts stirred dissatisfaction among people reflected through demonstrations and unrest of the peasants (Taylor, 2006). After Japanese defeat, Chiang’s government became corrupt looting all the public property and engaged in extravagant dissipation and luxury. This inflamed the masses’ fury and provoked large scale demonstrations. Chiang hoped to use his military in exterminating CCP. He hoped to defeat CCP due to advanced warfare and the large army. However, his army remained isolated and divided due to mistreatment from their leaders. This shifted even the attention of those people who supported it (Dirlik, 2000). Relationship between Chiang Kai-Shek and the United States Prior to Second World, War, most powerful influences originated from American imperialists. It intended to uphold Chiang’s government and monopolize the Chinese markets. This dispatched significant military equipment to the government in China. This made Chiang